Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marine Corps Infantry vs Army Airborne vs Cavalry Scout vs College?

I am really confused on what to do in the military or just go to college. The marine corps catches my eye because my grandpa was a navy corpsman and always talks about the pride of the marines and how they are the best branch of the military and how they are etc. etc. Airborne infantry has been something that i have always been interested in. There motivation to jump out of a plane and there double volunteer attitude in my mind is very cool and i think i would like to be with a group like that. Cav Scouts have a great tradition with the stetson and spurs and they seem to be a highly moto group of guys. My fear is that i will come out of the military with no motivation to go to college or be able to function in society. Can i please get some opinions! Thanks..

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